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Giant Restart!!
Well what an unusual 2 years full of frustration! But hopefully getting back to normal and what better way to start, with a Giant Puppet...

Big Brother UK Puppets and Props
Well Believe it or not Celebrity Big Brother is back again! #BBUK #CBB kicks off on 16th August, 9pm on Channel 5 I have made a number of...

Animation with Cables, Electronics and Gizmos
Here at Karl Evans Studio we do lots of fun things with your Puppets, Props and Models. with a little ingenuity and imagination they can...

Fun Props
I just love making props the more bizzare the better :)

Restoration of Puppets & Props
We do not just make new puppets, props and models. we also restore and repair treasured items. Below is a ventriloquist head and then a...

an Evil addition
the Devil has now been added to the family of Punch & Judy #punchandjudy #devilpuppet

Vacuuming Fun
On of my favourite little machines is my Vac-former. a useful bit of kit. Make all my puppet eyes, masks, moulds, props and parts...

Love Latex!!
From Sculpt to mould to latex wonder. Masks, Props, Comedy gags, life size models, Store front displays, Latex is a lot of fun....

Potty time
Here are some of my own personal puppets based on 'Micheal Bentine's Potty Time' these are some of my favourite characters :) the puppet...

Little Jack Tar
Our little ventriloquist puppet named Jack Tar all ready for his maiden voyage at sea. Who knows what he will get up to on his voyages :)...
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